
Mexico faces an uncertain future as rebooted PRI fails to stem violence and corruption

15 Dic

5 Nov. Day of the Dead and human rights crisis in Mexico

4 Nov

motivos sobran, Peña Nieto #RenunciaYa

2 Sep

TODOS tenemos un motivo para exigir la renuncia de @EPN. No podemos tolerar 2 años más de esto. Unámonos. ¡Qué renuncie!



19 May

Reply to Ambassador Mr. Gómez Pickering’s letter to The Guardian

8 May

Dear Sir/Madam, We are writing in regard to the response* written by the Ambassador of Mexico in the UK, Diego Gómez Pickering, about your Editorial «The Guardian view on Mexico’s missing students: justice indefinitely deferred«:

  1. The government is NOT committed to a transparent and in-depth investigation to clarify the social tragedy of Ayotzinapa. Despite allowing an international independent panel of experts (GIEI) to get involved in the case, from the beginning of their work the government never gave this group full access to the records and evidences (only 50% of total evidence was given).
  2. The GIEI declared in their last press conference at Mexico to have been defamed in different Mexican newspapers (like El Financiero or Milenio, as the New York Times certified) once their research pointed out to different pathways than the «Historical Truth» defended by the government.
  3. Photographic evidence leaves no doubt that the Battalion 27 of the Mexican Military knew of the attacks throughout the night but did not act to prevent them. Despite asking for months, the GIEI was never allowed to interview the soldiers (a key group of witnesses for clarifying the events) and therefore never knew what orders they were given that night.
  4. The GIEI revealed that the day before the authorities «found» plastic bags in the San Juan River with the remains of one of the students, pictures and videos taken by photojournalists show that relevant government officials (like Tomás Zerón, Head of the criminal investigation unit for the federal Attorney General’s Office) were there, probably setting up what would later become the «discovery».
  5. When this video was released, Tomás Zerón gave a press conference declaring that UN office for Human Rights representatives in Mexico knew about his presence at the San Juan river. The very same day, the UN Human Rights office in Mexico clarified that they were never informed about the presence of Mr Zerón and furthermore, manifested their surprise that the government had tried to involve them in their «clarification». In other words, Mr Zerón lied.
  6. In relation to the case of the 128 «detainees» referred by Mr Gómez Pickering, reports show that at least 17 key informants might have «confessed» under torture. By the way, torture in Mexico has been qualified as an «extended, common practice across the country» by Mr Juan Méndez, UN’s Special Rapporteur on Torture.

As you can see, Mr Gómez Pickering’s reply only adds up to the government’s modus operandi in regard of the case of Ayotzinapa: hiding the truth and losing credibility every day.


Mexican activist groups in the UK and Europe:

#YoSoy132Londres, London;
Justice Mexico Now, London;
London Mexico Solidarity;
Manchester for Ayotzinapa;
Sheffield Mexico Solidarity;
Cambridge Mexico Solidarity;
NodoMxM, Madrid;
Mexibelga, Belgium;
Catalunya Contra la impunitat, Lleida;
Saving Mexico, Amsterdam;
Bordamos por la Paz, Paris;
Collectif Paris-Ayotzinapa;
Kollektiv por Ayotzinapa, Hamburg;
Conciencia México-Dinamarca.

*”Mexico is committed to investigating missing students” by Diego Gomez Pickering


GIEI for Ayotzinapa: Second report

29 Abr

Foto: German Canseco/ Revista Proceso


After reporting obstruction, intimidation and bullying from the Mexican government, the Grupo Interamericano de Expertos Independientes (Interamerican Group of Independent Experts, GIEI) gave its second report on their investigation and expert’s opinion on the disappearance of 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers’ College on the night of September 24th, 2014.

Discrepancies and confrontations with the Mexican Government (which is clung with their own “historical truth”) marked the work year of the experts group which, in the previous weeks, has been subject to a smear campaign driven by the highest political groups seeking to strengthen their official “hypothesis” and to promote the protection of the involved politicians.

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Running for Justice in Mexico

11 Abr

DONATE NOW! Please support JMN Team! Running for Justice In Mexico.

#PanamaPapers – Mexico

3 Abr
#PanamaPapers: 11.5 millones de documentos que involucran a jefes de estado, políticos, criminales, empresarios e instituciones como la FIFA en negocios sucios y evasión de impuestos. Los personajes mexicanos incluyen Hinjosa Cantú (Casa Blanca de Peña Nieto), Alfonso de Angoitia (Televisa), Ricardo Salinas Pliego (TV Azteca) entre otros, una investigación detallada sobre cada caso puede leerse en Aristegui Noticias. Investigación internacional sin precedentes de más de 370 periodistas de 78 países.

Marchas por Ayotzinapa. De la indignación a la digna acción.

30 Mar

Interview with Omar Garcia

25 Ene